Ph.D. in Mathematics

Ph.D. - Mathematics

Program details

The Ph.D. in Mathematics program at UPES School of Advanced Engineering is a comprehensive and intellectually stimulating research journey that spans a duration of 3-4 years. The program encompasses a diverse range of specialised areas within the broader categories of pure mathematics, applied mathematics, and statistics. In the realm of pure mathematics, students engage in advanced studies in areas such as Algebraic Geometry, where they explore geometric objects defined by algebraic equations, creating a synthesis of algebraic and geometric principles. Number Theory delves into the properties and relationships of numbers, particularly focusing on integers and their unique properties. Topology, another facet of pure mathematics, involves the examination of spatial properties preserved under continuous deformations, such as stretching and bending.

The applied mathematics component of the program delves into practical and real-world problem-solving. This includes Fluid Dynamics, where the behavior of fluids and their interactions with solid boundaries are explored. Numerical Analysis involves the development and analysis of algorithms for solving mathematical problems numerically, often leveraging computational tools. Cryptography, a vital aspect of applied mathematics, addresses secure communication and the design of cryptographic algorithms for information protection. Optimization Theory and Operations Research equip students with the skills to find optimal solutions in various decision-making contexts and resource allocation scenarios.

The statistical dimension of the program covers Probability Theory, offering insights into random phenomena and providing a mathematical framework for handling uncertainty. Statistical Inferences enable students to draw meaningful conclusions from data, make predictions, and decisions in uncertain situations. Time Series Analysis equips scholars with the tools to identify patterns and trends in time-ordered data, facilitating predictions for future observations. Multivariate Statistics extends the analysis to datasets with multiple variables, enabling a comprehensive exploration of relationships and patterns. Overall, the Ph.D. in Mathematics at UPES School of Advanced Engineering ensures a rigorous and well-rounded academic experience, fostering cutting-edge research across a spectrum of mathematical disciplines.

Program Highlights

  • The Ph.D. in Mathematics program cultivates a high level of analytical thinking, empowering candidates to break down complex problems and derive logical solutions, honing skills crucial for tackling real-world challenges.
  • The Ph.D. in Mathematics program instills a deep commitment to research, fostering resilience and determination among candidates as they persist in the face of challenges, a quality vital for successful completion of complex projects.
  • Candidates refine technical writing skills, communicating complex mathematical concepts clearly to both specialised and non-specialised audiences, ensuring their research is disseminated effectively through peer-reviewed journals.
  • Through collaboration with scholars from diverse backgrounds, including other branches of mathematics, candidates learn to work effectively in interdisciplinary teams, enhancing their ability to apply mathematical solutions in various professional settings.
  • Graduates are equipped to apply mathematical and logical solutions to real-world problems in industries such as finance, technology, healthcare, and environmental science, demonstrating the transferability of their skills across diverse sectors.
  • The program fosters adaptability and innovation by developing new mathematical models and solutions, preparing candidates to navigate uncertainties in the research process and tackle novel challenges in their professional journeys.


The Ph.D. program in Mathematics at UPES School of Advanced Engineering is designed with a set of comprehensive Education Objectives aimed at fostering advanced research and scholarly pursuits in the field. The program is committed to cultivating a cohort of mathematicians who demonstrate exceptional competence in theoretical and applied aspects of mathematics, contributing significantly to the advancement of knowledge in the discipline. Through rigorous coursework and research experiences, the program seeks to develop scholars who exhibit a profound understanding of mathematical principles, possess the ability to formulate and solve complex mathematical problems, and demonstrate excellence in disseminating their findings through publications and presentations. Furthermore, the program emphasizes the development of critical thinking, effective communication, and collaborative skills, ensuring that graduates are well-prepared to excel in academia, research institutions, and various industry sectors, thereby making substantial contributions to the broader scientific community.

The future scope of a Ph.D. in Mathematics is promising and diverse, aligning with evolving industry demands. In the realm of data science and machine learning, Ph.D. mathematicians are sought after for their expertise in developing advanced algorithms and data analysis techniques to support data-driven decision-making across industries. Quantitative finance relies on their skills for modeling risk, pricing derivatives, and optimizing investment strategies in complex financial markets. Cybersecurity and cryptography benefit from mathematicians specialising in creating secure encryption algorithms and ensuring digital system integrity. In healthcare and bioinformatics, mathematical models aid in understanding biological systems and solving medical challenges. Contributing to the theoretical foundations of artificial intelligence and robotics, mathematicians play a pivotal role in developing algorithms for machine learning and control systems. Additionally, mathematicians find application in environmental science for climate modeling, supply chain optimization in logistics and manufacturing, educational technology development, and research in public policy areas. Continuous learning, interdisciplinary collaboration, and effective communication of complex concepts to non-specialists are emphasized as essential for Ph.D. Mathematicians to leverage their expertise in these dynamic and evolving industries.

Career Opportunities

A Ph.D. in Mathematics offers a plethora of lucrative career paths spanning academia, industry, finance, technology, government, healthcare, environmental science, consulting, education technology, telecommunications, aerospace and defense, as well as entrepreneurial ventures. In academia, individuals can pursue roles as Research Professors or Lecturers/Instructors. Industry Research and Development beckons with positions like Research Scientist and Data Scientist. The financial sector presents opportunities as a Quantitative Analyst or Actuary. Technology and IT boast roles such as Software Engineer and Machine Learning Engineer. Government and Public Policy offer positions like Policy Analyst and Statistical Analyst. Healthcare welcomes Ph.D. mathematicians as Biostatisticians or Healthcare Analysts. Environmental Science features roles as a Climate Modeler or Environmental Consultant. Consulting provides opportunities as a Management Consultant or Operations Consultant. In education technology, one can become an Educational Technologist. Telecommunications offers roles as Network Analysts, while Aerospace and Defense include positions like Aerospace Engineers. For those inclined towards entrepreneurship, the option of founding a startup is also viable. Ph.D. Mathematicians are highly valued across industries for their analytical prowess and problem-solving acumen, and effective networking and communication skills further elevate their career prospects.

Admission Details

July 2024 Intake
Key TimelinesImportant Dates
Last Date to ApplyJune 3, 2024
RET ExamJune 10, 2024
RET Result DeclarationJune 21, 2024
Submission of Research Proposal 
on - approx. 1000 
June 26, 2024
Online Interview Booking/SchedulingJuly 3th, 2024
InterviewsJuly 18, 19 & 22 July, 2024
Interview Result DeclarationJuly 30, 2024
Last date to Pay FeeAug 4, 2024
Registration DateAug 8, 2024
Orientation DateAug 9, 2024
Commencement of SessionAug 12, 2024

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