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- Dr. Parth Pratim Pandey

Dr. Parth Pratim Pandey
Assistant professor - Senior Scale
Profile Summary
Dr. Parth P Pandey is a theoretical physicist and working towards the development of the physics of complex adaptive systems, wherein he builds mathematical models to understand the underlying physics of open adaptive systems like a living cell, an ecosystem, social systems etc. Diverse disciplines like non-linear dynamics, network theory, statistical mechanics, game theory etc are often employed to study these systems. He received his PhD (Physics) from the Department of Physics and Astrophysics, University of Delhi, New Delhi under supervision of the eminent theoretical physicist Prof. Sanjay Jain.
Work Experience
As a post-doctoral research associate Dr. Pandey worked with Prof. Sergei Maslov at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA, followed by a post-doctoral fellowship at the Institution of Eminence at the University of Delhi. During this he mentored several Msc students in their dissertation research, many of whom have been inspired to pursue careers in research and got selected for PhD programs in eminent institutions in India and abroad.
Research Interests
Dr. Pandey specialize in the interdisciplinary field of Complex Systems where he builds rigorous mathematical and computational models to understand and uncover the fundamental physics laws governing open adaptive systems. Most biological, ecological and social systems are examples of complex systems. Such systems consist of a large number of non-linearly interacting components, often displaying properties like “self-organization”. Recently Dr. Pandey has been involved in modeling socio-ecological systems, i.e., unified systems that include both human societies and natural environments by integrating components of cognitive psychology and evolutionary game-theoretic approaches and study some of the social-ecological breakdowns like deforestation, desertification, water-crisis, overhunting, etc.
Teaching Philosophy
Dr. Pandey believes that a thorough and deep understanding of the subject matter and the ability to explain complex topics through simple examples is paramount for a teacher. Also central to his teaching philosophy is a deep commitment towards fostering critical thinking and creating an environment that encourages curiosity and creating a space where students feel valued and respected.
Courses Taught
Dr. Pandey is a passionate teacher and has taught Thermodynamics, Statistical Physics, Physics of Complex Systems, Non-linear Dynamics, Biological Physics, Network Theory, Quantum Mechanics, Electrodynamics. In addition he has mentored several MSc and BSc students in their dissertation thesis.
Awards and Grants
Dr. Pandey received research grant from Institution of Genomic Biology and National Center for Supercomputing Applications at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA. He had also received funding from a DBT grant Centre for Excellence in Genome Science and Predictive Medicines. Apart from this he has received multiple travel grants to visit universities in USA and Europe for research presentations.
Scholarly Activities
Dr. Pandey is actively working towards developing theoretical models to understand some of the most outstanding systems like a bacterial cell, ecosystems and human societies. The underlying laws that make these systems extremely robust, resilient and efficient have been one of the most remarkable open questions that have puzzled scientists since time immemorial. Dr. Pandey’s research is committed towards uncovering some of the hidden laws of these systems.