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- Dr. Sandeep Bhowmik

Dr. Sandeep Bhowmik
Assistant Professor – Selection Grade
Profile Summary
Dr. Sandeep Bhowmik is an Experimental High Energy Physicist and has been working on the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), CERN Switzerland since 2009. He has expertise in big data analysis with software development and machine learning. His research works have focused on Higgs physics, Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD), development of Trigger algorithm for CMS detector etc. He is a signing author of the publications of CMS Collaboration CERN for more than 950 papers.
Dr. Bhowmik did his B.Sc. in physics honours from University of Calcutta and M.Sc. in physics from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Guwahati. Then he started working on the CMS experiment for his Ph.D. from Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) Mumbai and Visva-Bharati University, Santiniketan, followed by 8 years of post-doctoral research in National Institute of Science Education and Research (NISER), Bhubaneswar, India; National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics (NICPB), Tallinn, Estonia; and Institute of Physics (IFCA), University of Cantabria, Santander, Spain.
Work Experience
- From 2024 to present:
- Assistant Professor
- UPES – University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun, India
- From 2022 to 2024:
- Postdoctoral Researcher
- Institute of Physics (IFCA), University of Cantabria, Santander, Spain.
- From 2017 to 2022:
- Postdoctoral Researcher
- National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics (NICPB), Tallinn, Estonia.
- From 2016 to 2017:
- Postdoctoral Research Fellow
- National Institute of Science Education and Research (NISER), Bhubaneswar, India.
- From 2009 to 2016:
- Doctoral Research Scholar
- Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) Mumbai, India
- Visva-Bharati University, Santiniketa India.
Research Interests
- Dr. Bhowmik has been working on different physics analysis topics including
- search for di-Higgs production in decay to multi-lepton channel,
- ttH production with H decaying to tau leptons,
- search for dark matter produced in association with top quarks,
- search for single top quark production in association with a Z boson,
- and measurement of hadronic event shape variables in QCD interactions.
- He is currently working on validation of reconstructed muons.
- He has contributed significantly on optimization, calibration, isolation and performance study of CMS Level-1 tau trigger for Run2 and Run3.
- He has been involved in the development of software algorithm for CMS Level-1 tau trigger and for CMS High Level Trigger (HLT) for Phase2.
- He has served as the Level-3 convenor of the L1 Eg-Tau Trigger of CMS detector from 2020 to 2022.
- He has been contributing continuously to the operational team at the CMS control room.
- He had studied performance of the CMS outer barrel hadron calorimeter (HO), using the cosmic data and had built noise filter.
- He had also been involved in the hardware development and had studied the characteristics of Silicon Photo Multiplier (SiPM), for purpose of replacement of HPD with SiPM as HO read-out.
Teaching Philosophy
- Education is the backbone of a modern society where teachers are the architects. Consequently, teaching is one of the most prestigious professions where one involves in securing and shaping the future of society.
- The learning ability depends on many factors including their background and maturity. In a country like India with so much diversity, particularly economic inequality combined with enormous social pressure, can hinder the learning ability of a student. The teacher’s close support with emotional touch can help students to overcome these problems.
- The interactive learning and real time feedback strongly improve the student’s learning outcome. Also, positive feedbacks help students to correct their understanding relative to giving only corrective advice. Therefore, it needs to emphasize on the followings: (a) Allow students to discuss conceptual problems, which helps to transfer knowledge among students and (b) Regular assessment and positive feedbacks which help them to correct their understanding.
- The general belief is that only students learn from teachers, but teaching is also a great opportunity to improve the understanding of physical concept and provides a great platform to progress in life.
Courses Taught
- Engineering Physics (January – May 2025)
- Engineering Physics Laboratory
- Dissertation on particle physics
Awards and Grants
- Dr. Bhowmik was awarded the Mobilitas Pluss postdoctoral researcher grant of 84k euro by Estonian Research Council for 2019 to 2021.
- He got the travel grants to visit CERN Switzerland to participate in the CMS experiment for 17 times with total duration of stay for two years. The travel grants were given 6 times by DST, Government of India, 6 times by Estonia, and 5 times by Spain.
- June 2009 JOINT CSIR-UGC test for National Eligibility Test (NET) for Lectureship in India.
Scholarly Activities
- Dr. Bhowmik is a member of the CMS collaboration at CERN, Switzerland since 2011.
- He is a signing author of the publications of CMS Collaboration CERN for more than 950 papers with over 44,000 citations, an h-index exceeding 97, and an i10-index surpassing 700
- He has attended 26 conference/workshop/school including 10 in abroad and has given 12 presentations including 3 in abroad.