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- Christalin Nelson S

Christalin Nelson S
Assistant Professor (SG)
Profile Summary
Prof. Nelson is an academician, a growing researcher, and a skilled administrator. During his tenure, he has assumed many leading roles - Head of the Department, Head of the IT support team, Coordinator of the School-level curriculum development and reformation team, and School-level annual budgeting team. He was instrumental in executing Memorandums of Understanding with top MNCs and Universities (both in India and abroad), headed the Industry certification programs, and served as International Exchange Coordinator with the IAESTE, which benefitted a vast community of students through skills upgrading and placements. Prof. Nelson had coordinated many technical conferences (at both national and international levels) and provides lectures in FDPs, workshops, and seminars. He possesses a tremendous zeal to learn new technologies and systems and derives a lot of passion for improving teaching-learning practices in educational institutions. During his free time, he gets indulged in organizing programs to reach out to the helpless, needy, and deserving in orphanages, schools for the disabled and special children, and old age homes.
Work Experience
Prof. Nelson is one of the experienced teachers associated with the School of Computer Science of UPES since 2014. Prior to this, he served in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering of the Centre for Applied Research and Education (CARE), Tamil Nadu for about 3 years and in the School of Computer Science and Technology of the Karunya University in Tamil Nadu for nearly 9 years. He carries with him more than 2 decades of experience.
Research Interests
VANETS | AI-ML-DL | Network Security | MANETS | Active Networks
Teaching Philosophy
Dr. Nelson believes that by birth, nature had made every person a teacher and a learner. Learning is endless and can be derived from many sources – be it seniors, juniors, or even students and children. On a few occasions, even mistakes and wrong decisions teach new lessons. The learning process is better when knowledge is taught or shared with young smarter minds. He considers teaching as a noble responsibility of enlightening the learners while being virtuous and adhering to principles and standards of right conduct and ethics, other than technical expertise. Dr. Nelson has always considered teaching as a noble profession and the zeal to work hard as his talent.
Courses Taught
Programming in C, C++, and Java | C#.NET Programming | Object Oriented Programming | Data Structures | Database Management Systems | Operating System | Computer Organization and Architecture | Object Oriented Analysis and Design | Software Engineering and Project Management | Data Communication and Computer Networks | IT Infrastructure Landscape and Overview | IT Services and Management | Storage Area Networks | Design and Analysis of Networks | Mobile Communication.
Awards and Grants
Prof. Nelson was nominated for the Teaching Excellence Award & Academic Excellence Award. He has contributed as a Co-Project Manager for the CPPGG (Centre for Policy Planning and Good Governance) projects received by UCIE-UPES with the field data provided by the state government of Uttarakhand. This application aimed to facilitate farmers in advertising their product's availability to merchants and expert consultants. He has also received Best Paper Awards in various conferences including ICETDT-2021 and ASTMLS-2020.
Scholarly Activities
As he opines that research is a tool for building knowledge and facilitating learning, he also serves as an inspiration for his students, motivating them to produce high-quality articles for prestigious conferences and book chapters. Prof. Nelson has authored and co-authored many Conference papers, Scopus, and SCI journals. His enthusiasm for learning led him to participate in various refresher courses, faculty development, and train-the-trainer programs. He believes that knowledge should never be contained but should flow across people and society, finally useful for nation-building. This belief has motivated him to reach out to students and fellow academicians through workshops, seminars, FDPs, and STTPs.