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- Dr. Roohi Sille

Dr. Roohi Sille
Assistant Professor-Selection Grade
Profile Summary
Professor Roohi Sille earned her B.Tech in Biomedical Engineering in 2012, her M.Tech in Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks in 2014, and her Ph.D. in Computer Science Engineering in 2022. Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, and Medical Picture Segmentation are the main areas of her study. She has published articles and book chapters in journals with SCI and Scopus indexes as well as at conferences around the world. She has participated in the planning committees of international conferences and examined research articles from publications that are indexed by Scopus. In addition to her academic interests, she has mentored and taught students throughout her career in a variety of areas.
Work Experience
Prof. Sille has been a part of UPES for nine years. She has held vital positions at UPES, including those of subject coordinator, course coordinator, mentor, conference reviewer, and member of the curriculum design team. She has taught a variety of foundational courses in computer science. As the Head of Internationality (SoCS), she collaborates closely with the Department of International Affairs. Additionally, Dr. Sille assisted students in the creation of a project that was later presented and published in an international conference that is indexed by Scopus.
Research Interests
Artificial Intelligence I Artificial Neural Network I Medical Image Segmentation I Deep Learning
Teaching Philosophy
Prof. Sille's teaching methodology is founded on the notion that it is her duty to foster an environment that fosters and promotes student learning. She has implemented some aspects of "flipping the classroom" into her classes, such as project-based learning and presenting the modules in accordance with their level of comprehension. Following their presentation, question-and-answer sessions continue to enable all the students achieve a high degree of understanding of the pertinent subject. Dr. Sille significantly contributes to students' education and skill development, preparing them for successful careers in technology and research.
Courses Taught
Prof. Sille teaches core subjects like Operating Systems, Computer Graphics, Microprocessors and Embedded Systems, Programming Languages, Web Technologies Artificial Neural Network, as well as some specialised subjects like Introduction to Mainframes, Mainframe Operating System, Linux on Mainframes, Open Source and Open standards, and Licencing in OSS.
Scholarly Activities
Dr. Sille has served as the lead author on several Scopus-indexed research in the areas of deep learning and medical image segmentation. Many of her students have been inspired by her to publish quality articles in reputable journals, conferences, and book chapters as well. Her study focuses on the integration of artificial intelligence and healthcare to improve the healthcare sector. She has reviewed various articles from Web of Science journals and International conferences.
Research Profiles:
- Scopus Link: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57226075724
- Google Scholar Link: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=oyXF2A8AAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao
- Orcid Link: https://orcid.org/my-orcid?orcid=0000-0003-3031-7693