Maithilee Laxmanrao Patawar

Maithilee Laxmanrao Patawar

Assistant Professor

Profile Summary

Ms. Maithilee Patawar serves as an Assistant Professor at UPES Dehradun's School of Computer Science while pursuing a PhD in Computer Science and Engineering with a specialization in Word Combinatorics at IIT Guwahati.

Her research expertise spans the dynamic intersection of Word Combinatorics and Discrete Applied Mathematics. She has made impactful contributions, publishing her pioneering work in esteemed international conferences and distinguished journals, such as Information Processing Letters and Discrete Applied Mathematics. Notably, her dedication and innovation were recognized with the Best Paper Award at an IEEE conference, a testament to the significance of her research findings.

Work Experience

Maithilee Patawar served as an assistant professor in the Department of Information Technology at SGGSIE&T Nanded. Simultaneously, she held the position of Teaching Assistant at IIT Guwahati for five years while pursuing her PhD.

Research Interests

Theoretical Computer Science | Word Combinatorics | Discrete Applied Mathematics

Teaching Philosophy

Ms. Maithilee believes in fostering interactive learning environments. She tailors teaching methods to suit diverse learning styles, integrating real-world applications into the curriculum. By nurturing curiosity and practical skills, she prepares students to navigate evolving technology landscapes. Valuing inclusivity, Ms. Maithilee creates spaces where diverse perspectives thrive. Her goal is not just to impart knowledge but also to instill critical thinking and ethical values, empowering students to become adept, innovative contributors to the field of Computer Science.

Courses Taught

Last semester, Ms. Maithilee instructed Programming in C Lab and Cloud Performance Tuning courses. At her prior institution, she conducted classes in Web Technologies and Discrete Mathematics.

Scholarly Activities

Ms. Maithilee thrives in interdisciplinary domains, combining her expertise in Machine Learning and Theoretical Computer Science during her master's and PhD studies. Her quest for knowledge extends beyond her core disciplines; she has pursued workshops and courses spanning diverse fields. Notably, she engaged in a GIAN course focusing on mixed criticality and participated in seminars covering Big Data and Hadoop. An ardent learner, she actively participates in numerous international conferences, showcasing her commitment to continuous learning and exploration across varied domains.

Awards and Grants

Ms. Maithilee received best paper award for her research paper in an IEEE conference International Conference on Computing Communication Control and automation (ICCUBEA) 2016.