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- Rohit Srivastava

Rohit Srivastava
Assistant Professor (Selection Grade)
Profile Summary
Work Experience
Research Interests
Teaching Philosophy
Courses Taught
Awards and Grants
Scholarly Activities
Dr Rohit has published more than 30 papers in peer reviewed Journals and Conferences of National and International repute with publishers like IEEE, ACM, Springer, Elsevier etc. He has supervised 14 M-Tech Dissertation Works and more than 50 UG level projects. He has also published 3 textbooks which are currently referred by many students. He has also contributed to various book chapters which are currently indexed in Scopus. He has also organized various FDP’s and Workshops for IPR related activities. He has also submitted a proposal entitled “Real Time Weed identification for crops using UAV through Image Processing and Deep Learning Methods” to Department to Biotechnology, Govt. of India [BT/PR42285/ATGC/127/106/2021]. Project Cost 12, 32,454/-. Some of his scholarly articles are listed below:
- Paper titled “Match level fusion of FKP and Iris for Human Identity Validation using Neuro-Fuzzy Classifier” published in Sensors, MDPI (sensors-1680872), May 6, 2022 (SCIE Indexed, Impact Factor 3.586). 3390/s22103620 (Q1)
- Paper titled “Real-Time Multimodal Biometric Authentication of Human using Face Feature Analysis” published in Computers, Materials, and Continua (CMC- ISSN: 1546-2218), Id: 15466, January 8, 2021. (SCIE Indexed, Impact Factor: 3.77). https://doi.org/10.32604/cmc.2021.015466 (Q1)