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- Syed Sajid Hussain

Syed Sajid Hussain
Assistant Professor
Profile Summary
Syed Sajid Hussain is expert in Computer vision and Deep learning with special focus on Biomedical Imaging like MRI, USG, Echocardiography. Using the state-of-art techniques and deep learning-based models trained on Image and video datasets he has published numerous papers in this domain. His research is focused on Brain tumours including both primary and secondary tumours. He has developed software-based products that aid as a tool for radiologists in detecting, segmenting, and classifying the brain tumors.
Work Experience
Before joining UPES, Prof. Syed was at the MAILAB South Korea, held a computer vision engineer role and later on as team-lead position in the same company. He also worked for Indian council of Medical Research (ICMR) as Research fellow (PhD).
Research Interests
Computer Vision I Medical Imaging I Deep Learning I Brain Tumors I Congenital Heart Defects
Teaching Philosophy
Prof Syed’s teaching philosophy is grounded in the understanding that it is his responsibility to create a climate that supports and encourages student learning. He has incorporated some elements of “flipping the classroom” into his classes such as pre-reading assignments, in which students read assigned sections of the textbook and/or other resources prior to coming to class where they complete a short quiz. Quiz material is not repeated in class but instead is used as the foundation for in-class assignments that involve students working with real data and situations. Using authentic problems helps students move from novice to expert thinking.
Courses Taught
Prof. Syed teaches the elective on Pattern recognition and Anomaly detection, Deep Learning, and NLP. Data structures, Image processing, Machine learning with python are some of his core subjects.
Awards and Grants
Prof. Syed received the best Coder award while working at MAILAB, South Korea.