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Program details

The B.Sc. Food, Nutrition & Dietetics program with a specialization in Nutraceutical and Nutritional Policy, offered by UPES School of Health Sciences & Technology, is designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in the field of nutrition and public health policy. The program delves into the intricacies of human nutritional requirements and enables students to conduct comprehensive nutritional assessments. By developing effective diet plans, students learn to address individual nutritional needs, contributing to improved health outcomes.

The specialization also places a strong emphasis on nutrition policy and its impact on the well-being of communities. Students gain a deep understanding of the role of nutrition-related laws, policies, and acts in fostering holistic community development. This knowledge is crucial in shaping effective public health strategies and interventions. Aspiring professionals can make significant contributions by assisting government agencies in formulating nutrition-related policies and programs.

Moreover, the program explores the rapidly growing field of nutraceuticals, examining the latest advancements in the industry. Students are equipped with the expertise to evaluate the benefits and applications of nutraceutical products in promoting public health and preventing nutrition-related diseases. This forward-looking approach ensures that graduates are well-prepared to address contemporary challenges and contribute to the betterment of society. Overall, the B.Sc. Food, Nutrition & Dietetics (Nutraceutical and Nutritional Policy) program at UPES School of Health Sciences & Technology offers a comprehensive and well-rounded education that combines the study of nutrition, dietetics, and public health policy. Graduates from this program will be well-prepared to pursue diverse career opportunities in government agencies, non-governmental organizations, healthcare institutions, and research organizations, making a positive impact on public health and community well-being.

Program Highlights

  • The B.Sc. Food Nutrition & Dietetics (Nutraceutical and Nutritional Policy) program at UPES emphasizes hands-on training through laboratory sessions, workshops, and industry internships, enabling students to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world scenarios and develop analytical and problem-solving skills.
  • The curriculum is designed to provide students with valuable industry exposure in the field of nutrition and dietetics, ensuring they are well-prepared for the challenges and opportunities in the healthcare sector.
  • The B.Sc. Food Nutrition & Dietetics (Nutraceutical and Nutritional Policy) program focuses on nurturing essential skills such as communication, critical thinking, and teamwork, which are vital for success in the healthcare industry.
  • Students are encouraged to actively engage in seminars, conferences, and research projects, which enhances their understanding of emerging trends and innovations in the specialized areas of Nutraceutical and Nutritional Policy.
  • The School of Health Sciences and Technology has established partnerships with prestigious institutions and organizations worldwide, including University of Queensland, Australia, Taipei Medical University, Taiwan, and United Nations World Food Program (UN WFP), providing students with global exposure and opportunities for international collaborations.
  • The program's strong affiliations with government and non-government organizations like AIIMS Rishikesh, Zeon Life Sciences Ltd., etc., offer students access to a wide range of resources and expertise, enriching their learning experience.

The future scope of the B.Sc. Food Nutrition & Dietetics (Nutraceutical and Nutritional Policy) program is promising and aligned with current industry trends. Nutraceuticals, which encompass dietary supplements and functional foods with health-promoting properties, are gaining popularity as consumers seek natural and preventive approaches to health. Additionally, nutritional policies play a crucial role in promoting healthy dietary practices and addressing public health concerns. Industry trends include a rising demand for natural and functional foods, personalized nutrition based on genetics and lifestyle, a focus on gut health through probiotics, a shift towards plant-based nutraceuticals, and a growing emphasis on sustainability. Regulatory changes aim to ensure transparency and consumer safety, while preventive health measures are being prioritized to reduce chronic diseases and healthcare costs. The global market for nutraceuticals is expanding, with collaborations between industry and research institutions to validate product efficacy and safety. To succeed in this evolving field, stakeholders must stay informed about the latest trends and scientific advancements to make informed decisions about nutrition, health, and product choices.

Career Opportunities

Completing the B.Sc. Food Nutrition & Dietetics (Nutraceutical and Nutritional Policy) program by UPES School of Health Sciences & Technology opens up a wide range of promising career opportunities in the field of nutrition and dietetics. Graduates can pursue careers as clinical dietitians, nutrition consultants, research analysts, or community nutritionists in hospitals, clinics, and public health organizations. With a strong emphasis on nutraceuticals and nutritional policy, graduates can also explore roles in the pharmaceutical industry, food manufacturing companies, and government agencies focusing on policy development and regulation. This program equips students with essential knowledge and practical skills, enabling them to make a significant impact on individuals' health and well-being while contributing to the advancement of the nutrition and wellness sector.


The placements of the B.Sc. Food Nutrition & Dietetics (Nutraceutical and Nutritional Policy) program by UPES School of Health Sciences & Technology have been exceptional, providing students with promising career opportunities in the nutrition and dietetics industry. The program equips students with in-depth knowledge of nutraceuticals, nutritional policies, and dietary management, making them highly sought after by various employers. UPES' strong industry connections and dedicated placement cell have played a vital role in securing lucrative placements for graduates, ensuring a smooth transition from academics to the professional world. Graduates from this program have found placements in reputed organizations, research institutions, healthcare companies, and government bodies, contributing significantly to the field of food nutrition and dietetics.

Fee Structure

Click here for detailed Fee Structure.


Semester 1

Human Anatomy and Physiology3126
Principles of Nutrition3126
Fundamentals of Food Science3126
Ability Enhancement/
0  0
Living Conversations2  2
Environment Sustainability & 
Climate Change
2  2
TOTAL   22

Semester 2

Principles of Biochemistry211.54.5
Computer Application & 
Fundamentals of Biostatistics211.54.5
Ability Enhancement/Co-curricular0  0
Critical Thinking and Writing2  2
Environment Sustainability & 
Climate Change (Living Lab)
2  2
Technologies of the Future2  2
Elective Course211.54.5
Principles of Nutrition211.54.5
Fundamentals of Food Science211.54.5
Fundamentals of Meal Planning211.54.5
TOTAL   24

Semester 3

Nutrition Through the Lifecycle211.54.5
Food Safety and Laws211.54.5
Institutional Food Service Management3115
EDGE-Soft Skills   0
Design Thinking2  2
Ability Enhancement/Co-curricular0  0
TOTAL   16

Semester 4

Meal Planning211.54.5
Food Microbiology211.54.5
Biosafety and Aseptic techniques211.54.5
Working with Data2  2
Ability Enhancement/Co-curricular0  0
EDGE – Advance Communication   0
Elective Course211.54.5
Food Microbiology211.54.5
Principle of Dietetics211.54.5
Community Nutrition211.54.5
TOTAL   20

Semester 5

Diet Therapy-I211.54.5
Epidemiology and Global Health211.54.5
Ability Enhancement/Co-curricular0  0
Industrial Training/Survey/Project  40
Leadership & Teamwork2  2
TOTAL   20

Semester 6

Diet Therapy-II3126
Community Nutrition3126
Sports Nutrition3126
Start your Start-up2  2
Ability Enhancement/Co-curricular0  0
Industrial Training/Survey/Project  40
TOTAL   20


Interested students must meet the minimum eligibility criteria for B.Sc. Food Nutrition & Dietetics (Nutraceutical and Nutritional Policy) as follows: Minimum 50% Marks at X & XII with Physics, Chemistry, Biology/Math, and English as a Major Subject in XII.

Selection Criteria

UPES offers the B.Sc. Food Nutrition & Dietetics (Nutraceutical and Nutritional Policy) program, and the selection of students interested in pursuing this course is determined by their individual performance in Personal Interview.

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